Kombucha can be consumed anytime of the day. You can drink it as a detox drink empty stomach in the morning, you can drink it alongside your meals which will help digest the food better or you can drink it as a stress buster or energy booster during the day!
To ensure a constant balance of good bacteria in the gut, it is recommended that Kombucha is adopted as part of the daily diet. You can start with 100 ml a day for a couple of days and then can take it upto 400 ml per day. Drinking too much Kombucha won't harm you, but we would suggest you listen to your body and consume in moderation.
*Note: Please note we are not doctors or scientists. We are average humans just like you who want to live a disease-free, happy life. We have done years of research on Kombucha and due to the results we have noticed in our body and in our circle topped with the millions of testimonials online, we decided to spread the joy to everyone. Please remember each body may have a different experience to drinking Kombucha and you should decide what is the best for you.