Banana wine is an all season wine. It has a sweeter flavour profile. It is also considered as a desert wine.
- 12 Banana fully riped but not over ripe
- 3.5 L water
- 2 to 2.5 kg sugar ( packed refined sugar, loose sugar might have impurities)
- 3no dried red chilly broken or green chilli 2 /3 nos slit
- 3 nos star anise
- 3 pcs cinnamon
1. Chop banana into pieces and boil with 2 L water for 35 to 40 min in medium flame. Stir occasionally.
2. In a separate vessel, boil sugar and 1.5 L water and stir till disolved completely.
3. Let both mixtures cool completely.
4. While the above mixtures are cooling, add 1 tbsp sanitiser powder in the brewing jar and fill it with water till the top. Let it sit for atleast 15 min.
5 Once cooled, strain the banana mixture using a strainer/ Muslin cloth into a clean vessel.
6. Add the cooled sugar syrup into the vessel.
7. Throw away the water in the brewing jar and add the banana wine mixture. Ensure the jar is only 3/4th full.
8. Add 1.5 tsp of brewers yeast in the jar, add the chillies and spices and stir it few times with a clean spoon.
9. Wipe the jar mouth from inside and outside to clean away any spilled mixture.
10. Put the lid on and attach the airlock to it.
11. Add water in the airlock and let the wine ferment for 21 to 41 days. (Sweetness will reduce and alcohol level will increase as you keep for longer duration) - Its upto you when you want to bottle it up.
12. Keep in a dry place away from sunlight.
13. Once ready, filter the wine into bottles and serve them chilled.
Shelf life- Outside fridge is 6 months, in fridge is 1 year
Shelf life with ageing agents( potassium metabisulphite) - 1.5 years outside fridge
Note- If you find the sweetness less over time, feel free to add sugar as per taste.