Ginger wine is a bit on the spicy side and a dry type of wine. It's a go to drink in the winters.
- 1.5 Kg Ginger
- 3.5 L Water
- 2 Kg Sugar
- 1 tsp Brewer's yeast
- Take1.5 kg ginger wash thoroughly and finely mince or grate it.
- Add the grated ginger in a pot with 2 L boiling water and simmer it for around 20 minutes. Let it infuse the ginger flavour.
- Take a vessel add 1.5 L water stir around 2 kg sugar till its dissolved completely in it.
- Try using packed sugar instead of loose sugar as its free from impurities.
- Now once the ginger concoction is cooled, mix the sugar water and concoction together in a sanitised fermentation jar.
- Now add 1 tsp of brewers yeast, close the lid and shake the jar.
- Place the airlock and let it ferment for 21 days
- The wine is ready after 21 days! Filter the wine, bottle it and serve chilled.
Shelf life- Outside fridge is 6 months, in fridge is 1 year
Shelf life with ageing agents( potassium metabisulphite) - 1.5 years outside fridge